Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Way Back Into Reality

All my life, I’ve been very much against medication. I’m the kind of person who would not even touch a Panadol simply for a headache or mild fever. I’ve always believed in using my mind to control my illnesses, stress and pain. I believe the mind is more powerful than any drug.

I’m also afraid of addiction. I never ever want to be dependent on anything. I remember many years ago when I first discovered the joys of drinking coffee. There was a time when I needed at least six cups a day to stay alert. Then one fine day, the coffee machine broke down. I was in withdrawal the whole day. I could not concentrate on anything. The realisation that I was sort of addicted to coffee frightened me so much that I gave it up cold turkey almost immediately. Today, I still enjoy a cup or two but I am purely a social drinker these days, having on average two cups a week.

I grew up knowing family members with an alcoholic problem. As such, I grew up determined to never ever have to walk in the same footsteps. When I worked as a sales representative for Thai Airways, my boss once told me that to succeed in sales, I would have to master booze, women and golf! So, I started drinking! There was a period that I simply HAD to have a couple of drinks every day after work. Knowing that I was going down that dreaded path again, I stopped cold turkey!

The bottom line is that I strongly believe that we are masters of our own destiny and our own happiness. Today, I dare say that I’m a very happy person simply by wanting to be happy! I enjoy my own company and the company of almost anyone around me. You see, the mind is the world’s most powerful machine, with it, we can control anything. Happiness lies in our own hands, not in a bottle, pill or powder.

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